Since all the BG3 info was released, I've been thinking a lot about the idea of a mind flayer whose ceremorphosis is not complete, or who retains memories or vestiges or their humanity.
Would it be like a trapped consciousness?
That's what this art is, a struggle with identity

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Do you like the character of Grand Admiral Thrawn or what his presence leads into the Star Wars fandom consciousness?

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SETI, Or SAC, Should The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence Be A Search For Alien Consciousness? - Daily Grail

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i had a funky dream about sombra last night- I'll spare you the details, but basically she had this.. piece of tech in her skull (not visible on her skin or anything) and it was the back of her skull and eye socket area, but it contained like. her consciousness?

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Some food for thought? Then this little question "Is God Consciousness?" might get the party started. What are the qualifications to be God?

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Feel like thinking hard? Then this little question, "Is God Consciousness?" might get the old ball rollin'...

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Ever wondered what is consciousness? Put your conscious brain to use pondering that (and check out my new in this article by Christof Koch for So meta.

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Consciousness? The infinite? No problem. 's latest visualizes our universe's most abstract mysteries.

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A higher state of consciousness? Increased neuronal signal diversity in the psychedelic state, new in

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