


Photographer is Santiago Felipe

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【#玉島芙葵 出演情報】
björk -cornucopia-
日程: 3月28日(火) 31日(金)
会場: 東京ガーデンシアター

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28日IMAXはサービスデイしか行かない贅沢だけど正解だった『デヴィッド・ボウイ ムーンエイジ・デイドリーム』見てから東京ガーデンシアターのビョーク「cornucopia(コーニュコピア)」へ。ビョークはS席で遠かったが素晴らしいパフォーマンスに圧倒された(彼女と同い年なのでヨレてたらダメだと💦)

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🦚🦠bjork cornucopia🦠🦚

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■Björk - cornucopia初日終了!
光と⾳が共鳴し創り出された 独自の世界観が詰まった素晴らしいステージでした、圧巻👏


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【bjork cornucopia:東京ガーデンシアター】◆行って来ました!アルバム『ユートピア』をコンセプトにしたbjorkワールドの最新形/ストリングスとコーラス、バキバキの極上エレクトロと最新鋭の特殊楽器に大画面モニター そして唯一無二の歌声 あと何回あなたの歌声を直接聞けるのかなぁ 余韻余韻〆◆

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Cornucopia of cubensis mushrooms swirling with the esscense of life with sparkles and neon ambient lighting, crystals, cinematic lighting, bokeh, forest floor with moss and ground cover, mystical fant...
by mj002

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来週は cornucopia にも行きます。

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I got asked to demo this game, so I'm gonna! Let's take a look at the upcoming farming sim Cornucopia!

Let's see how it scores on accessibility and my ability to be an absolute gremlin.

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Doing something a little bit different today. Trying out the Cornucopia demo on stream today! Come hang out for a chill stream! Can we milk Sera? Maybe! https://t.co/jQ6Z0xgETy

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I've been real quiet here so I shall post the OCs I made from the OvenDraw challenge held in Discord

1st prompt: Mushroom
My entry: Black Cornucopia Cookie (she/her), the patron deity of wealth and greed, inspired by the black trumpet mushroom!

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We are trying to decide which cat to add as a character in Cornucopia - Leave your comment to vote 1, 2 or 3 Thank you!

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hope is a muscle that allows us TO connect 🫀
tried something different, to celebrate Björk’s Cornucopia Tour 🎉
(12x9 inches, mixed media on arches paper) *AVAILABLE*

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OLIVER finds OLIVER in the cornucopia, but the latter kills them.

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In 375 BC, after the victory over Sparta, Athenians created a cult for Peace, by erecting altars to Eirene . She was one of the Horae, goddesses of natural order, and peace. Her image in art is one of a serene woman carrying a cornucopia, torch, and sceptre.

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at the seashell's center lies the cornucopia's smallest door

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Hergé’s Tintin is here with his cornucopia ( horn of plenty ) Milou (snowy) holding on for dear life wishing us all Happy New Year

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After several hours on the deep web I was able to recover the last 3 pages of the webcomic Cornucopia which Jello tried to keep from the public. The public must know the truth.

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