With all this coronavirus saga, we are all we've got. Let's all try and be there for one another as family.

Almost done with this piece.

3 7

So... We don't have school for some days,so be prepared to see more comics XD here is one about the situation yesterday in EASD... am i the only one feeling feverish?

1 13

Peter Brookes on Trump’s crass flight ban.....#Covid_19 - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

8 12

In this year of our lord 2020, you nasty motherfuckers in the so-called developed world have to be taught how to wash your hands properly??

2 1

The & makes this FRIDAY THE 13TH way scarier than all them movies put together

" Jason Voorhees "
[Fight Club: ONE / Character: Villain / 1R64 / (R) / Feb 2009]

1 3

Now a days the most professional Taxi drivers are ...

305 546

hi, just made these in

hang up in your office bathroom for fun :-)

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