The real heroes of
Here's a big salute to all the frontline heroes ♥️🙌💯
Really enjoyed this illustration 🥀

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can you remind the public that should not travel. Never mind move from one country to another. in the Scottish Highlands. You seem only to be reporting the risk to rich knobs and not the public this fool is risking.

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Everybody be looking like these days 😂😂

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Boris Johnson imports lots of Trump 'policies'.
He'll love this

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Can you all stop showing footage of utter dumbfecks telling others it's ok to go out and spread this horrible disease?

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Page 1 of a comic I’m working on calling TRYING TO CONVINCE MY PARENTS TO TAKE COVID-19 SERIOUSLY. Stay tuned for more!

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Miora's Hell, page 161 now live.

Miora and friends are taking self-quarentene as well as they can...suddenly Roz makes her a microwaved salad, putting sprinkles on it as well. Miora, trying to relax in the pool, is dumbfounded to say the least lol

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Six feet apart or six feet under.
I hope this message gets to the right people.
Abba Kyari. Germany.

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