//=time() ?>
I didn't realize I gave Sanford the roblox man face until now #madnesscombatfanart #sanford #maghank #drcrackpot #auditor #madnesscombat
crackpot theories:
1) They waifu'd the bear
2) They waifu'd Hope Peak Academy
3) They waifu'd the Kamakura Project
4) They waifu'd the Tragedy
Pick your favorite answer https://t.co/5o1LvWE94z
でもCRACKPOTの中で一番ヘキを詰め込んだの誰ですか?って聞かれたらこの人だと思います ドミニクさん
愚かわいいという新ジャンルを開拓していきたい 周りが何も見えていないのに粋がって周りすべてを見下して何もかも手遅れになっていることにすら気付いていなくてかわいいね 愚かだね
エルネストにヘキを詰め込み過ぎた結果つぎはぎミイラゾンビスライムフランケンっていう訳の分からない化物お兄ちゃんが爆誕しました どれかひとつにせぇ
この話はルーチア兄妹がアホほど幸せそうで何よりです お兄ちゃん一回レーヴィのせいで死んでるけど
Crackpot theory: Blacksmith and Battle Regalia are lore skins, Sylas destroys Poppy's petricite hammer, she travel's to Ornn's forge in Freljord and makes a new one, realizes that the power comes from her and not the hammer, returns to Demacia and becomes the hero.
The plague bird... Wait, no... This is Dr. Crackpot! ✨✨✨
#madnesscombat #madnesscombatfanart #madnesscombatcrackpot #madnessprojectnexus
For some reason I wanted to draw Phobos... and Crackpot... damn... I think I played too much M:PN today. I'll leave these ideas for tomorrow, but for now... Have a nice day, guys ❤️ gn
Uhhhhh I’m starting to notice how I’m generally attract Ed to the idea of alien life from media to take crackpot conspiracy it’s just really fun to me
Crackpot theory time:
these two are actually the same Pokemon just from two different time periods
#madnesscombat #madcom #madnessprojectnexus
#madnesscombatdrcrackpot #drcrackpot
crackpot!! with a duck!!
#madnesscombat #madcom #madnessprojectnexus #mpn #madnesscombatdrcrackpot #drcrackpot #duckdrawing #duck
#chtakeover from 80s Horror Extravaganza
I'm Heather, from the university city of Las Rosas, CA. Listen, I know I've had some crackpot ideas in the past, alright, FINE, but these disappearances? This time I KNOW I'm onto something. But someone knows I know. Careful what you ask! https://t.co/7n1bVIkkPI
director phobos got a new haircut,,,,😨😨😳😳
#madnesscombat #madnessprojectnexus #madnesscombatphobos #directorphobos #madnesscombatdrcrackpot #birdphobe (?)
I finished drawing Phobos and Crackpot. All I need is to finish drawing Hank and the others so I can post this full image😩