# kubera

Holy shit, she's too kind… She's not even a real princess but she'd rather sacrifice herself for others. Wow… Currygom really went: "If you think Rana is already cool, get ready to witness she's actually wayyy kinder and more amazing than you ever thought"

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I'm beyond excited that currygom is finally bringing this up again cuz I wanted to learn more about humans serving Suras ever since I've seen these two pages!!

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Stop it😣😣😣😭😭😭 Currygom isn't gonna finish this chapter before making me cry, is she

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Holy crap, it wasn't a metaphor or smth like that, he actually grabbed him! Damn currygom, making me super emotional and then making me laugh out loud in the span of such a short amount of time😁😁

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Okay currygom, you won. I wouldn't mind if Ruche was Vayu's summoner in the other universe as well, I hope you're happy😑😁

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I'm really happy that currygom took the time to flesh out Maruna's character bc seeing Maruna as the king of the Garuda clan someday would be cool anyway but not nearly as impactful and hype as it's gonna be now. I'm gonna lose my shit the moment I see my baby as king😆

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Currygom didn't show Ananta's eyes when he asked Sagara if the greatest power in the universe is the most important thing for her👀

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Okay, I know this is an important conversation but I can't help but get distracted that currygom drew one of them as the angry gremlin and the other as a majestic god😁😁 like look at Yaksha's eyelashes

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Currygom had no right to make me this emotional😭😭 Ran and Yaksha's relationship has become one of the biggest highlights of this arc for me, what a farewell

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Is the person on the right Vayu or am I mistaken? I think that's him, he looks absolutely distraught! Wait, I remember that in currygom's blog post about first loves, it was said that Vayu's first love was an ancient human. Oh noo, I'm smelling pain

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Love to see diversity. I understand that’s NOT the focal point of her storytelling, but that’s what makes currygoms world building even more dynamic! Readers appreciate that! Comic artists work really hard so I understand this might be nitpicking, but that extra effort is noticed

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Lutz must've interfered then. Omg, this chapter was just currygom dancing on my heart

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Here currygom is providing some cool bits of info and is also explaining how Ran has a chance to stand up against the Nr. 3 of the Yaksha clan😁

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Holy crap, that last attack was crazy! I love the way Ran is fighting rn. Currygom is flexing with how gorgeous this fight sequence is😁 Also, I'm curious if the "time" Yaksha mentioned is actually Visnu or someone else🤔🤔

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Thanks currygom, now we know for sure that it's an uninhabited planet. Omg, I'm so excited to see this fight

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I was lowkey wondering what happened to Ran using his lifespan but I was waiting for currygom to explain it and I feel like I'm finally gonna get that explanation

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Now I'm sure that the person I thought was Asura is not him. Even if I think it might be his double then why would currygom put a "..." speech bubble there? The framing of this whole scene seems like that's another person who's sitting there. Could that actually be Yuta

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Currygom, you are so cruel😢

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Oh, I'm so freaking happy that at this point, Brilith still remembered Maruna fondly and believed that other Suras might be like him. That's such an insane way of storytelling, currygom what are you doing😁😁

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I love their relationship so freaking much, currygom really said: "Lemme remind you why they're such a power couple real quick" and I'm absolutely here for it

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