pic related for attention.

60 388

So many memes to harvest
So little time

35 215

Oh man....I just now realized he voiced Maes Hughes in FMA.
Jeez, now I'm sad again.
~cwb the resident sadboi meme thief.

17 112

📍銅鑼灣 荃灣
💛物資| 提供地方休息| 派冬瓜茶|保護躲避到店內的人|送上糖水食物給示威者

58 146

💛8.18 Free meal for protesters | Cancelled competition on 6.21 “HK need LOVE more than Competition right now”

20 44

My friend did an edit of our mascot girl, Mika wearing a neat hat.
Feel free to send us fanart!
We love fanart of Mika, all of it.

20 249

Today's the day! Come down to + get yr portrait done by me. At Hollywood Rd 2-4pm / in CWB 4:30-6:30.

0 1