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11月19日、中野TRFにてサイバーボッツ フルメタルマッドネスがアーケード稼働

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finally my wolf boy talbain has come back
i say you add Jin from Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness

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AYO! I love Cyberbots, I played it for the first time with the Capcom collection

Killer Bee my beloved

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MS Alice se encuentra con un robot rojo gigante llamado BX-02 Blodia pero ella tiene miedo y robot mecha rojo no ataca a ella (MS Alice meets a giant red robot named BX-02 Blodia but she is afraid and red mecha robot does not attack her)

MS Alice (MSA)
BX-02 Blodia (Cyberbots)

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Primer encuentro estilo conexión futurista (Futuristic connection style first meeting) 😱

MS Alice (Metal slug attack/Snk playmore)

Princesa Devilotte/Princess Devilotte (Cyberbots/Capcom)

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A flyer for Armored Warriors. The beat 'em up that morphed into Cyberbots down the road. It has neat swapping mechanics. If you're interested I wrote a movelist for this one:

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Cinaversus Day 19 - You think Darkstalkers has it bad, Jin Saotome Cyberbots hasn't been let out of the Capcom Basement since Marvel 2 someone free him

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Jin has one of the best character designs I've seen in a Mecha protagonist and barely anyone outside of the MVC fandom talks about him.

Also, please play Cyberbots, the game is super accessible these days.

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11月04日は、サイバーボッツのアリエータちゃんの誕生日です^w^ おめでとうー♪

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