Froggy Friend bought for 0.09 ETH by cortney_longterminvestment from UNDRGRND_Collectibles

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Heute ist Herbstanfang? Dann wird es Zeit für Vorbereitungen. Paul half dort gern aus.

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No 31 - Fortitude

And so our story comes to a close. Barnabas had shown great fortitude in saving his buddy. Now the only thing left to do after such a dangerous adventure was to eat cheeseburgers.

11 57

No 30 - Love

Barnabas had one last trick up his sleeve. The Witch's magic was powerful, but so was Scully's love for cheeseburgers!

10 61

No 28 - Dive

Barnabas used the Pisces Transformatico spell! The Witch cackled initially, but then let out a shriek as she turned into the ugliest fish Barnabas had ever seen! She dove into a river

11 48

No 26 - Enter

Barnabas tried to enter the Witch's lair and save Scully, but the Witch was too fast. She cast an evil spell on Barnabas that glued his legs to the floor. His legs were completely stuck!

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No 24 - ink

The Witch had been watching Scully and was angry that he had been drawing not very flattering pictures of her. So the Witch sent her Demon servant to abduct him.

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No 23 - Wicked

Barnabas was wondering where Scully could be when he started to hear a cackling sound. It was the Wicked Witch! She was the one that had Scully, and he was under her complete control.

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No 22 - Framed

Barnabas remembered what he read in the Magick book, and using the crayon, quickly framed the demon in with an entrapment spell. Could he really have defeated Scully's captor so easily?

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No 21 - Spike

Barnabas smelled that familiar smell of sulfur and brimstone. Scully's captor finally revealed himself! It was the evil demon Spike. What could Barnabas do against such a formidable foe?

7 52

No 15 - Digital

Barnabas was outmatched against the reanimated mammoth, so he decided his best option was to run away! He was on the right trail, so decided to see what he could find searching digital

13 54

No. 14 - Tusk

Barnabas wasn't happy for long. From out of the darkness came the giant body of some long-dead creature. Not all undead things are friendly, especially when black magic is involved.

11 55

No. 12 - Blue

Barnabas entered the shack. It was dark inside, but more strange symbols adorned the walls. Scully was nowhere to be found, but he saw a faint, blue glow behind a rock. What is it?

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📌Another pieces and another stories of this collection:

▪️ On the skies
▪️ Meeting on future
▪️ Tiny city
▪️ Cosmic journey

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'Friendly, adventurous and young minded ghost who loves classical music is looking for any lovely, like-minded butterfly for no-strings-attached friendship.' This ad should do it, right?
and by

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No. 8 - Rites

Finally, Barnabas stumbled onto some clues. A candle, a pentagram... and one of Scully's big toes! What evil rites and black magic has poor Scully been subjected to?

10 61

Day 2 - Red

While Barnabas cooled off, Scully innocently sat down by himself to draw. Within minutes, a flash of red appeared out of the inky darkness, and without warning, Scully was gone!

20 89

Day 12 - by
Burgruine / castle ruins

Next on his trip, Mr Bear visited a spooky old castle. Unfortunately, there were other "visitors" too. Thankfully he heard ghosts are scared of lights.

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