It’s last day of 🥺
I couldn’t decide which one to post

16 52

day 6; 3 A.M & 3 P.M

I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame

29 75

DAY 7: Free/Matching

I really am proud of these pieces this time!!! I love the colours and the whole look of the piece

So DAISUGAWEEK2020 has come to an end🥺 I am very pleased with my overall performance for the pieces

I hope you guys enjoy & love my works💕

14 23

day 5; Sunny/Stormy

Your heartbeat, it becomes a part of me

49 122

— day 5, sunny/stormy

AU where Daichi, god of the sun, felt in love with Suga, god of the rain 🌦

26 80

[#daisugaweek2020 day 5: stormy]

a rainy reunion :)
pls tap to open

117 321

Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night ✨🐠

Super late but here's some Romeo + Juliet for Day 2: Aquarium

39 96

day 3 | crime

mischievous daisuga, à la great pretender 💰

16 56

CW/ guns
day 3; crime

ah yes mafia! Daichi x detective! Sugawara :]

15 54

[Day 2 | Aquarium]

Suga accompanied daichi and his siblings to the aquarium 🐟🐠🐙

59 188