*since Jason once was the League of Assassins' property..

D: Todd's mine!
B: Damian...In Gotham, we don't "own" a person...
J: Someone just tell me what is wrong with this kid??

80 536

별로 재미없어서 올릴까 말까 고민한 뎀슨+팀슨... 전에 올린거 누가 번역기 잘 안먹힌다길래 문법파괴자이지만 대충 번역해서 올리기...

33 118

연반 뎀슨... 연반으로 알굴뎀이랑 롭슨이 너무 좋음... 롭슨이 머리만한 알굴뎀 팔뚝... 물론 현실에서 이러면 범죄입니다...

67 236

Finished sketch of Jason and Damian, omega verse. Couldn’t decide which one I liked best.

4 21

From my fic, the Sacrifice, darkest magician Damian, breaking in his new power source, Jason the fire revenant.
"That rebellious spirit of yours, just get it over with."

5 14

that weird dream last week...#artejay

52 309