Unleashing the awesome power of Super Saiyan 2, Korian overwhelms Mira with his speed and lands a decisive and devastating blow! Artwork by

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Kitsune, THE master of Universe 9. Nothing would be possible without her. She is the bedrock of her blended family. Artwork

3 22

SSJ4 Shihori from a dark alternate future. A timeline where her greatest adversary is her own father! Gorgeous artwork

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Happy to all the powerful ladies who make this family what it is. The boys couldn’t live without ya. Artwork

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Super Saiyan Blue Shihori, always ready for a fight! Artwork by

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High adventure into the unknown reaches of Universe 9. Their ship was catastrophically damaged by space debris. Korian’s quick thinking and literally nabbing Sorrel by the seat of her pants spared their lives. Now they’re stranded far from home. Art

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Korian and Shihori testing their skills against one another in a full power training bout. Korian couldn't be prouder of how much his daughter has grown as a person and martial artist. Artwork by

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Timelapse of Shihori throughout her life so far. From child to young adult. All artwork by

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Young adult Shihori, age 22, as dangerous as she is beautiful. The young woman continues to master her craft and use her new abilities to fight for all that is good in the multiverse. Artwork by the amazing

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Never quit. Don’t lose your tenacity and your passion to learn new things. That’s why Shihori trains with her grandma whenever she can. She appreciates the life experience and her continued desire for self improvement. Artwork by

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“Betrayer. You took everything from me. You will come to understand the consequences of your transgressions, my old friend.” - Takah to Kitsune Artwork by the highly skilled

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The pinnacle of teen Shihori’s power. SSJ3 elevates everything about the young hybrid Saiyan to new heights. Especially her penchant for viciousness towards her enemies. Transformation downsides be damned. Artwork by the venerable

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Gotehori, the fusion of two half Saiyans, Shihori and Son Goten. A perfect blend of tomboyish beauty, high energy brawn, and a smart ass attitude. Artwork

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Super Saiyan 2 Shihori Artwork

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She snagged herself a monkey boy. Artwork thanks to

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Buff Shihori, Buffhori. Nuff said. worked really hard on this because apparently I don't like muscle girls. Touché my friend

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Shihori circa age 12 wearing her nicest clothes. An expression of her home world as a place of beauty that remains a savage place. Yes, she even killed that tiger herself. She's such a sweetie. Artwork

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Careful how you act in front of your children because they'll end up mimicking you. Original artwork

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Age 781, Korian and Shihori ventured to Universe 7 in search of the Super Dragon Balls, meeting a few familiar faces on their journey. They enter the Room of Spirit and Time to train for the journey ahead. Perhaps with some unintended consequences. Art

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As time passed, Korian fought many battles against a myriad of foes. From warlords, to demons, and even renegade angels from other universes. Each time he has risen to the task. No matter how much punishment he takes he never bows down to his enemies. Artwork

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