My top 3 are definitely Cassandra Cain, Karen Beecher, and Artemis Crock. I don’t know if Artemis counts but I still love her

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Honorable mentions to my cause why not
-Poison Ivy
(If you couldn’t tell Gotham is where it’s at 💅)

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Hopping on the trend,
-Wonder Woman
-Harley Quinn
-Black Canary

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Almost impossible to pick just three but..

1. Zatanna
2. Poison Ivy
3. Starfire

Honorable mentions:

Harley Quinn
Big Barda

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Wonder Woman - for a million reasons but significantly the No Man's Land scene, I'd never seen a woman assume power quite like that in a movie before
Catwoman - I simply always wanted to be her, still do
Mera - New 52 Aquaman was one of the first comics I owned 💖

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Boy, this was a tough call — but there can be only three.

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