Hello everyone, I have a little game to introduce you to Kato's family😊
So, let's count them here?

1! Mother Kato Daisuke
2! Kato Ioshinori
3! Kato Deiki
And 4! Kato Hosei

All right, we did it🌟
And then I want to start telling you about these kids🔽

19 79

3 years ago, 's THE ART COUPLE premiered. Last year, THE ART COUPLE was about to return as part of 's Block Party when COVID kiboshed it. Today, Brendan is in the UK filming Season 2 of , which he co-created and co-stars in with Jason Sudeikis.

7 29

Sergei Yurievich Sudeikin (1882-1946)

12 81

‘Lovers in the Field’
Sergei Sudeikin.

3 5

I'm so sorry I didn't send there birthday gift for voice Red

4 18

Serge Sudeikin
(Russian, 1882-1946)
Nude in a black hat

7 26

Art Trade with osandeiki on IG!! Really liked drawing this sort of body type eee

3 7

ナマコさん@DC3madeikitenai から指名があったので
何枚とか枚数指定がないので貼れるだけ貼るよ😂😂😂 紐付けで…

37 83

First fight 🍃 "Deiki"

4 18


18 93

Sergey Sudeikin - Cabaret "Halt of comedians" (My life)

0 1

Producer PolyphonicBranch, monaca:factory, & OwataP akan membuat DEMO Song untuk Vocaloid Rana

4 0

Album IA THE WORLD totalnya ada 7 Album ~光~ ~影~ ~星~ ~翼~ ~鍵~ ~風~ ~紅~ yang baru ~蒼~

5 0

Selamat Menjalankan Ibadah Puasa ya bagi yang merayakan, bagi yang tidak selamat Liburan deh :v

2 0