Kamek Shell Deniers when they see the Mario Movie design and try to explain how he just "has a bad back"

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Example of how to be misled.

First, I absolutely believe reading tweets written by minimizers (and deniers) has neurological sequelae

But Zany-P's followers are almost entirely pre-superzombieantigencalifragilisticexpialidocious (99%), and the most misled are not the mild cases

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Santa Deniers are on the naughty list

7 133

tracing deniers when they learn about rotoscoping

0 17

I had a bizarre feeling of despair watching Liz Cheney lose her election. In fighting Jan 6 deniers, she’s served her country well.
But that feeling quickly evaporated when I saw her *#%@& father in the crowd. Anyone feel the same? Confusing times…

5 15

"Its just Summer" no need to panic say desperate deniers trying to normalize extreme climate as normal

We are witnessing the birth of a Hot House which ultimately renders our Earth hostile to life
Current planned fossil fuel expansion cannot go ahead if there is to be a future

414 747

Our best scientists and field specialists confirm that Alien invasions ARE happening to wallets across Ethereum and around the world. Prove the deniers wrong. Post a screenshot of your unrevealed Alien invader(s) 👇

21 58

Am I alone in wanting to chorus about the summer of ‘76 to shut up?

The facts are irrefutable.

The Earth is HEATING. FACT.

Climate deniers please educate yourself.

2 23

For the mask mandate deniers

9 94

Sam Wilson and Miles Morales deniers gonna be mad annoying when she comes to the MCU

123 1504

Bi Scratch Horse pfp for the straight Scratch deniers👹

9 36

bulked up thick weightlifter body erwin deniers look at this and explode

0 1

We know truth. We all must share truth. It is up to all of us to create change. Humanity capable of beautiful creativity, but darker aspects never far away. Future of the planet is for all children, not for the deniers of the Money, greed must never rule us.

133 311

this is the only thing deniers have 🙃 okay ur so mad at sakura but not even the first person who acknowledged him is here. where’s iruka hm? https://t.co/2w21SJogyP

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Benbo Deniers on suicide watch

4 33

June Egbert deniers when she breaks into their home and skins them alive

13 42