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“Then she began a great labour, greatest of all the works of the Valar since their coming into Arda. She took the silver dews from the vats of Telperion, and therewith she made new stars and brighter against the coming of the Firstborn.” — The Silmarillion
Artwork by Sepi-Donne
Drew my favorite dews today!
Thank you @SuperSpoe for these cute designs!
There is sweet music here that softer falls
Than petals from blown roses on the grass,
Or night-dews on still waters between walls
Of shadowy granite,in a gleaming pass;
Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,
Than tir'd eyelids upon tir'd eyes;
I bought a bag of Kit Kat’s and pack of dews tonight and I got some edibles at home... tonight Is going to be a treat myself night
Why am I awake.... damn those mountain dews were not the right choice to drink lol
@HachiWrites @Dukksauc @DudeMcPunchy @estrildid it's okay, birthdays are like dews
@AntiUmbra and @Moogiekins having a sweet time before someone pulls out a fedora, katanas and liter of mountain dews.
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ゴスペラーズ新曲「ヒカリ」MVに出演するソロダンサーTaabowとは? | ダンスの情報サイト Dews(デュース)
https://t.co/gWRNzvbyP7 #ゴスペラーズ #ヒカリ
RAIZENがビートメイカーBOCKYとタッグを組み、コラボアルバムをドロップ https://t.co/HQkyHFEip5 #dews
Got some new clothes and new hair dews! It's The Boys of The Eleventh Hour! #TheZoneCast
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更なる進化が期待される「ASTERISK」今年も主演・演出・振付をMIKEYが!オーディション開催予定!? | ダンス情報サイト「Dews (デュース)」 https://t.co/GHR7CUgOmD
~世界最強オタクダンサー決定戦~『アキバ×ストリート2期 FINAL』の見所をレクチャー! | ダンス情報サイト「Dews (デュース)」
世界中で大人気のダンスオーディション番組「アメリカン・ダンスアイドル」が日本でも放送決定 | ダンス情報サイト「Dews (デュース)」
AyaBambi同行のマドンナツアー来日公演決定!2016年2月に10年ぶり | ダンス情報サイト「Dews (デュース)」