Y no me arrepiento de nada

Un chaval quería que lo dibujara a el y su novia con Cenicienta como el meme de Lario...
y eso le di...

2 4

Ref da minha persona. Decidi q o nome dela vai ser Dudi... Sim só muda uma letra do nome da minha OC, não sou criativa pra nomes 🤡

3 97

Hello dear Didi...
I am Moein Sho... a physical conceptual artist...
These are some of my works... I would be happy if you visit my gallery in Foundation...
By purchasing my NFTs, you will also own the original piece of painting...
Can I talk to you in direct?

0 0

``Você tirou tudo que eu tinha... tudo de mais importande pra mim eu perdi... eu vou fazer Você pagar, isso acaba aqui!``

{#Artistopia2 }

69 406

Btw kak, aku ga betah lihat afa putih"nya... Jadi....

0 1

Babu! CW // Spoiler Windblume Event
Jadi... kalian pilih General Mahamatra Cyno atau Cyno the Adventurer guys?

0 47

acho q aprendi..... aprendi a fazer muie
lets gooooo🦐

1 43

Io vivo tra due mondi...è per questo che nella vita le cose mi restano un pochino difficili

16 30

- ocsona ( ada yume dikit )

Dari kemarin kepikiran hairstyle swap, malah jadi....

Btw maapkan banyak gambar di kertas akhir" ini 😅

3 7

I've ALWAYS thought that Blaze was of Indian origin. Ever since I was a kid (even now lol), I keep seeing the gem on her forehead as a bindi... Also an artist on tumblr (name: kelly draws things) made this and I LOVE IT

13 138

Esse é meu estilo, acho que entendi...

0 5

Kenapa sih Awang yang terpilih untuk memiliki Cincin Godam? Apa sih spesialnya Awang?

Alasan-alasan lainnya bisa kamu temukan di...

0 10

A cure for every Monday...
Une cure pour chaque lundi...

43 168

ikutan ah! kalau pake kuping jadi.....let me do it for youuu 🎶

2 65

Edi.... good night 🙂

Rocksta Felip but with full blonde hair.

200 444

Some of the coolest art I've seen in awhile..

Haven't seen too much that looks like this...

Get yourself a Chedi.... not to many!

Great artist and person in the space !

Might go mint a few more after seeing them !

9 16

Jadi... Kamu sebenernya anak inazuma atau anak liyue? Kamu hydro atau cryo??

0 0

"Jadi... Tahun ini tahun kelinci, kan? Gimana kalo kita combine nuansa Imlek dengan bunny suit? Cantik kan kalo gw yang pake? Hehe..."


9 146

Gua kira ini anime lama... Taunya 2020? Ga, gua juga ga tau ini anime kayak apa, cuma liat gambarnya aja tadi......

0 2