I go a little nuts when I don't get a workout in. But it does feel so good when it finally happens!

4 14

When phone speak starts slipping its way into everyday talk that's when you know you spend too much time on it 🤣📲🧅

1 18

So funny story... for a solid week I believed I was a wizard until my mom ruined my dreams. But at least now the radio works in my car!🚘🧙‍♂️🪄

2 21

This is the part of the writing process where I need a lot of courage...

New comic today

5 33

Bless all the dogs in New York City that notice I exist :)


6 45

it’s always a little strange hearing your name called when you’re out walking your dog at night and nobody is around.

0 3

Dresses are cute but hoodies are so much cosier 😭

2 14

I am trying to make an active mental note when experiencing a moment I would rather be having than not having, and try to focus on those moments during the harder ones

4 19

Are you looking for fun new activities for your household? Try supportive yelling!

1 2

I have been reflecting a lot about making and wondering if they help or hinder...

2 8