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Please check her artwork, it's gorgeous

Art study [1]
La belle dame sans merci, by Frank Dicksee | with Kallet and Techno

7 40

I'm enjoying "The Duet" by Frank Dicksee for some vibes. Maybe it's the airiness of the setting, the copper hair of the pianist, and the earthy yet so, so rich colors and textures of the clothes that do it for me.

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Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee,
The Moon Maiden 1923

34 201

Miranda – Thomas Francis Dicksee, 1895.

51 279

Frank Dicksee, The Funeral of a Viking (1893)

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"The Moon Maiden" (1923) by Frank Dicksee

43 289

"La Belle Dame Sans Merci" by Frank Dicksee (circa 1901).

519 2341

Vikings Heading for Land, Frank Dicksee, 1873.

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Juliet on the Balcony, 1875, by Thomas Francis Dicksee

Juliet Capulet is the female protagonist in William Shakespeare's romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet. A 13-year-old girl, Juliet is the only daughter of the patriarch of the House of Capulet.

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"La Vita deve essere vissuta, non pensata, perché la vita pensata nega se stessa e siostra come un guscio vuoto. Bisogna mettere qualcosa dentro, non importa che cosa".
E Montale

Thomas F Dicksee

4 9

"Lovers and Lautrec", Joseph Lorusso - "Traum/Dream", Paul Herrmann - "Paolo and Francesca", Francis Dicksee - "Vertigo", Denis Etcheverry

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My current project and current fave couple- Princess Elora and her knight Yvir as La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Sir Frank Dicksee 👑🗡️💜

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based off this painting by frank bernard dicksee

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Thomas Francis Dicksee, "Beatrice".

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My contribution to the 💖✨ Happy Birthday, Venti 🍎🍃

I wanted it to kinda look like an old fairy tale book. Heavily inspired by F. B. Dicksee’s famous Romeo & Juliet painting.

123 610

Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee, P.R.A.
The Moon Maiden

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romeo and juliet by frank dicksee but it’s wangxian

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Come se si potesse scegliere in amore,
come se non fosse un fulmine
che ti spezza le ossa
e ti lascia lungo disteso
in mezzo al cortile.

🖼F.B. Dicksee

8 11

Just a flower, from a Knight to his lady.

Based on LaBelle Dame sans Merci by Frank Bernard Dicksee (1901)

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