Hollyhocks, tulips and hydrangeas - some popular garden flowers from the for The hydrangea specimen is the holotype for Hydrangea aspera collected in Nepal in 1802: https://t.co/IUwYHS9MGp

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"Hey, who turned out the lights?"

The episode, 'Silence in the Library' is written by Steven Moffat and introduces the character River Song.

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We've chosen two images for today's one from our collection Feeding the Pigs by Jeffrey Steele and one from Miner Feeding a Pit Pony by T.H. Curry https://t.co/IhM2li2Buv

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In Edinburgh medical practitioners often ignored occupational territories by prescribing cures, applying plasters, performing bloodletting & other surgical procedures. See our digitised 16th-18thc manuscripts here: https://t.co/FQflQhCjgV

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Are you team botany, mineralogy, entomology, palaeo or team zoology? Find out for sure by taking the Sorting Quiz at the Stand at Friday 27 Sept 18.00-22.00 BST

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'Of all the trees that are in the wood the holly (ilex aquifolium) bears the crown.' As we are starting our twelve days of Christmas countdown a little early this year - here's some beautiful sheets of holly from

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This discover some historic photographs of NYPL's locations in the https://t.co/1a6EFdXer3

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