The origin of explosion
Was it a big bang
Even the known
Is unknown
What if there are many universes
Reality usually turns out
More interesting than fiction..

15 46

"Heart of hearts"

What destiny can hope to par
a knowing influence,
a thing you can be sure
in turbulence a swirl,
these seconds hold a world
within forevers' shore
a little yours, all continuance
the Heart of hearts.

37 111

🌟Shinning star🌟
in the dark night
playing hide & seek
leaving her smile
making her crave
for more
Now that star
glows in her arms
making their love
to grow more

2 6

I see myself
in a view camera,
secrecy stowed
half dreamt

17 77

She walks
across the bridge
of dreams
over the slough
of broken hearts
Her parasol
of crimson
covers love
that comes
in fits and starts
But her lovers
know the truth
with exogenous words
they still impart.


14 84

"Hoodoo Honey"

She was a little bit scary...
Well, ok...a LOT!...
The Voodoo doll she had of him, was both disturbing, & a
Should he willingly, let her be the death of him?...
He grinned, & thought, "Why not?!..."

1 3

Let me kiss your

heart with my words, you are

and I love you

2 6

Her heart BRAVE but BRUISED

The pain not BRIEF, & ran deep

But I'll always love her

1 6

Each connection
Is it predestined?
Chain of brief encounters
It starts butterfly effect
We change other's life
The game of chess
Where a pawn
Can knock down the king
For a check mate

15 43

Deep internal bruise
Burden of old aged regrets
Carrying with finesse

1 7

Brief story of ours
Bloomed in alluring spring
Burned in autumn flare

1 6

I knew lifegave me an UNFAIR BOARD to play upon.With the CHESS PIECES forever stacked against me. My Kingdom stolen from my mother who was executed. & Isecretly smuggled out of the country.But now I am of age&know the truth.I will take backmy sovereign rule

1 2

Trouble in the future
Haunts me in the present
Worries become inky pools of fear
Trying to pull me into the deep darkness
With every breath I refuse to drown in my despair
I'll tread in uncertainty, finding pockets of pixelated love

15 61

Why the Hatred ??

Check the world
People like you will make it.
But what if you sleep and don’t make it..

Who will pray to be like you ??
Stop the hatred and hustle
Be a leader and not a backstabber..

Why the Jealousy??
We’re all Dust...

1 9

We cry out loud
But no one hears

We see others
But they are blind to us

We are free
But there is no freedom

Spirits shall guide us
For this world is ours no more

5 17

Solitude in isolation
Incarceration without guilt
A whole world waits
For these strange times to pass
A reality bites
No matter the class
We are free
But there is no freedom
For a time at least
For all souls on earth
To vanquish the beast

3 10

Chief of shadows
Origami of words
Mine is a lover's prayer
Tainted of tears
On lips waiting to breathe
Mild at broken light
Eternally it lyes on paper plane wings

37 35

Took a sip
from your tilted glass,
violets tipping
over its tinted frame,
red amassed,
a dread
steeling your name.
The statue stares
at past existence,
Grim Reaper,
and all we have left
is our tainted

5 31