Time to try another episode of several parts, I hope you also enjoy this one ^^ so I can bring you more of this style

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I will not lie that there are days that I want to cut off someone's head, good reason why I am not a dinosaur

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Sometimes you have no idea for plots, sometimes you just make epic fights for a donut

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It's sad but there are times we have to let other people go their way

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As a general rule, the simpler or easier a task is, the more we want to avoid it.

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I don't know what mistake was made in evolution, but before sleeping our brains are the worst XD

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The trailer has finally arrived! XD and I must admit that the hype has me trapped

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The truth is not the same to yawn yourself, than to see someone else do it

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At least for me every time I bring out the Christmas lights again, I feel like I'm fighting and finding knots every second

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Although this year we will not have a tree, I still have the Christmas spirit high

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Let's see how many have survived wild shopping and uncomfortable family gatherings

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I don't know about you, but the stores here are already playing these songs. And without my Christmas spirit ... the lyrics sound different

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Well well ... these last days I feel like I'm on automatic, XD but I just have to resist a couple more weeks

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