Le dernier film d'Alice Diop, "Nous" est visible sur le site d'Arte jusqu'en janvier. Portraits croisés le long du RER B.

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📌3 décembre 2021 : sortie du N°4 de
avec, notamment, une rencontre Christiane Taubira- Alice Diop, un entretien avec l'humoriste Hannah Gadsby, un portrait de Virginia Woolf par Geneviève Brisac...

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It's a recolor of panels from Titans United to make Starfire look more like the version played by Anna Diop.

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that Anna Diop influence is there idc

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Starfire trending on twitter but at what cost? Anyway Stan Mame-Anna Diop who does an amazing 'New Teen Titans' Starfire depiction.

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Anna Diop is perfect casting as and nobody can convince me otherwise😤

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Assane Diop da série Lupin da netflix
colab com
minhas lines e a color feito por ela

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the diop cheekbones ARE U DUMB

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Anna Diop really would be perfect as Storm

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Anna Diop as Soleil

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🇩🇪3 films FR récompensés à la :
Prix du Meilleur film - Encounters : "Nous" de Alice Diop
Prix spécial du Jury - Encounters : "Taste" de Le Bao
Berlin Short Film Candidate for the European Film Awards : "Easter Egg" de Nicolas Keppens

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anna diop’s starfire IS COMING

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Woylah ketiduran😭😂

Foto pertama Anna Diop sebagai Koriand'r aka Starfire pake kostum barunya plus beberapa concept art!😍😍😍

Penasaran gimana dia dapet kostum ini. Semoga rambutnya beneran bisa ngeluarin api kaya di concept art. Let's see!

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Nuova Stagione, Nuova Starfire.
L'attrice Anna Diop ci regala un'anteprima al nuovo look del suo personaggio nella futura terza stagione di TITANS!

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Solo queda la pieza central. Hoy tendremos la imagen completa y la foto promocional con Anna Diop.

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Foto kostum yg dipake Anna Diop yg direveal malem ini kayanya bakal beda sama versi concept art-nya ya? Kemarin antara foto sama concept art Red Hood sama soal.

Starfire bakal ganti-ganti kostum nih kayanya. https://t.co/zqO72Vk1Wc

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par Nasredine Diop, Architecte Sénégalaise en Tunisie.

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Princesa Koriand'r - Starfire

Amo a Estelar e para esse estudo eu quis homenagear duas versões únicas e perfeitas, a Clássica do George Perez e a maravilhosa Anna Diop.

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11- Anna Diop as Bellatrix Lestrange

Art by Lesly-oh

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So I just finished this portrait of the beautiful model Khoudia Diop. I love her smile so much!

Reference: https://t.co/oM2MuTYSd0

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