A classic piece by Jim Roslof for your Saturday morning. B2, this was the first published adventure my friends & I played. I’m sure it was the same for many of you as well.

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The Ring, the Sword and the Unicorn by Jim Ward🤘🏻

I have not read this myself, having stuck to the Endless Quest books, but I love the title & it gets the imagination flowing for some adventure ideas.

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I love the cover of Song of the Dark Druid, an Endless Quest Book from written by Josepha Sherman.
This cover was done by Jeff Easley. I quite enjoyed this book.

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How popular are underwater adventures among your group(s)?
Do they like it, or not so much?

Were great times had or did it flop? Myself, it has been “meh” but worth a try again. I need to try U3 again someday.

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A great Bill Willingham piece for your Monday evening. Looks like some level drain there...😖

Apologies for being being light on the posts lately but work has been hectic.

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When designing a big bad evil Wizard or Anti-Cleric, give them Lizard Men henchmen instead of the usual goblins or orcs. Lizard Men make great soldiers & worthy foes at 2 HD.

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Some Keith Parkinson for your Thursday. This is one of my favourite pieces by Keith. It was the cover art for the AD&D character sheets book released in ‘86 if I recall correctly.

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Some Clyde Caldwell for your Tuesday morning. Some of you are headed to work, some to bed...🧛🏻‍♂️🩸⚰️

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One of my favourite pieces from Jeff Dee for your Sunday viewing pleasure.
Monk dodges & shield spells at work.

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Some tomb-robbing going all kinds of wrong for your Monday Afternoon. This is why you find skeletons in a dungeon.

Art-Jeff Easley

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Here is another great one from Erol Otus for your Sunday morning.
Relax with your morning coffee/tea & start flipping through your old D&D books for the nostalgia even if you don’t play the older editions anymore

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It’s Friday morning so here is some classic Erol Otus. This is the cover of the Rogues Gallery. If you don’t have this book, get it if you can! It’s a very handy tool for the DM.

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Burne “His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet,” & Rufus the fighter (humble Rufus)

Do your Magic Users (NPCs & PCs) tend to have long titles, inflated egos etc?

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A great piece by David C Sutherland III for your Friday. I hope some of you are getting some adventuring in this weekend. Slaying monsters, taking their stuff & earning XP, that is what is good in life.

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Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge! Rules to survive Dodgeball & a fearsome Manticore.

Slow on your feet? Just toss the human henchman at it & run, they love the man-flesh.

Art-Jeff Dee

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In Search of the Unknown (B1) written by Mike Carr. The later version features the cover art by Darlene ⬇️, replacing the previous collaborative work of Sutherland & Trampier. Darlene pays tribute to the original.

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Another piece by Greg Bell. The original Owl Bear illustration. To be honest, not a fan. I much prefer the later renditions by Roslof, Dee et al.

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3d6 in order or something else?

Personally I use 4d6, arrange to taste.

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