Got my done today, since I watched the new I do the thing I usually do when watching super hero movies and imagine my own hero being there and doing similar things!, also my her is called the Magpie, he’s kinda like a rubbish bat man 😅

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For today’s I drew up the speedy angry echidna Knuckles, I drew them up as today was pretty quick at work but I was also pretty angry with a colleague who but me in the kiosk cause they wanted to stretch there legs 😤

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Another done!, this time it is Hou dressed up as Chewbacca but now that I look at it he kinda looks more like big foot from the Goofy movie 😅, but I have another star wars doodle idea for tomorrow!

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Got my drawing done for today!, this is Mynes warden watching what she will be doing on an event on Friday, it involves a lot of water so er.. she might end up seeing lots of water 😅 also this is based off of the er.. wizard looking at the orb meme 😊

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I’m gonna try do one of these an art a day things for the month of may, and call it er..#DoodleMay , this is the first, it was inspired by me as Ifrit getting frustrated with the ember court and not knowing what the heck to do, can’t do the first guest as he sees me as a stranger

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