In honor of here’s an outfit swap of Dorian 🤝 Reyes Vidal

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I look forward to the next installment!

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Haven’t been able to make anything new. But happy please enjoy the maps I’ve worked on while thinking way too deep about ocean currents and climates.

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Happy Dragon Age Day ☺️ Here are my favorite pieces I’ve made throughout the past year or two.

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happy :DDD sorry im late, heres some centaurs of the inquisition (feat. friend/fan favorite inquisitor Asala)

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It’s still somewhere right 👀

Redraw of the post Well of Sorrows scene in which Dorian caused me several points of emotional damage

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No, I’m obsessed with these two again, I don’t know what you’re talking about 👀

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Happy everyone. November was a disaster and I don’t have any new art. So have some of my Alistair’s!

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Been working on a few one in my free time (aka no time at all lol) but here are some of my more recent illustrations ^_^

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Reposting because it's 🍷
playing origins is blast so far

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Since it’s I want to share a comm*ss*on for Sunni - my latest big DA work I’m super proud of. Zevran romance gives me all the feels.

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Happy everyone! Here's a quick doodle of my girl Hawke to celebrate!

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happy 😄 thought i'd share some old art

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Happy As usual, too swamped with work to do anything new, so have a Friendship is Magic oldie. Maybe I'll find some unposted oldies later to thread this 🥲

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Happy Dragon Age Day! Dragon Age both launched me into doing art seriously and saved my life.

Cheers to this incredible series and Keth & Yavi are looking forward to seeing Solas again for completely different reasons >:3c

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I don't have any new DA content to post but pls look at my inquisitor Selenhyn bc she's baby

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