Good Morning Guild!
Pre-sale Mint is "LIVE"
utility is amazing

"There was no use taking evasive action. She stood no chance."

33 53

"She noticed that they were not at all the mindless beasts that many thought. She thought them to be something much greater."

21 42

"This young woman noticed something peculiar about the Dragons they were hunting. "
Good Morning Guild!
Web3 is coming are you ready?

22 44

"Somewhere along the way, while having some victories and suffering plenty of defeats, a young heroine emerged as a natural leader and warrior."
Good Morning Guild!
Have a Great Day

15 23

"It began with a bargain struck to rid the land of Dragons, which were wreaking havoc on the citizens of two budding populaces."
Good Morning Guild,
Happy Memorial Day!

20 32

"In those days long forgotten, when Dragons were plentiful and threatened civilization , people who might otherwise not get along were forced to think differently."
Good Morning Guild!
Have a Great Day

57 49

"One such, a cat of some kind, seemed to have been cooked where it stalked a young child from a nearby village."

Good morning Guild!

10 27

"A true test of an individual, to see how much they cared for their people. And this decision must be made immediately......."

31 47

"Things could go on as they had or a deal could be made, if she were to sacrifice herself. "

Good Afternoon Guild!

26 45

"The Beast watched her, a bit bemused. When he realized what she was doing he laughed a mighty laugh."

Good Morning Guild,
Have a happy monday!

28 42

"This newfound knowledge gave the Dragons an idea. Perhaps they could all work together and be better for it."
Good Morning Dragon Handlers!

24 45

"Out from behind a rock formation came a Dragon larger and more fierce looking than any she had seen before."

5 WLs up for grabs
- Follow like RT
- tag 3
- join discord before drawing
- 48 hours

86 113

Somewhere along the way, while having some victories and suffering plenty of defeats, a young heroine emerged as a natural leader and warrior.

83 126

Happy Easter!
We celebrated by reaching the milestone of 1k discord members!
We had some Rumble, a couple Dragon Passes were handed out, all in all it was a good time for everyone we hope 😁

61 130