My butterfly twins, Bloom and Gloom! They're based off of dragontail butterflies

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Hollow knight oc
Myosotis or just Myo
Is a Dragontail butterfly 🌼

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[HK oc] So this dude was training to be a concert pianist, but he plays the organ for Grimm now. He did not imagine his life going this way, and his parents are worried if he'll ever find a real job. (Inspired by the white dragontail butterfly)

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Really looking forward to presenting TheDragonTails app project with today in Cardiff TheDragonTails by Martin Jones

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Download TheDragonTails iPad app with 10 animated stories written and produced by Y5 pupils TheDragonTails by Martin Jones

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Today we launch TheDragonTails app created by Y5 with a special visitor from

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How far can we share TheDragonTails iPad app ? Created by Y5 Pentrepoeth Primary School South Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Read 10 stories and videos all written and created by the pupils using

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How far can we share TheDragonTails iPad app ? Created by Y5 Pentrepoeth Primary School South Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Read 10 stories and videos all written and created by the pupils using

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Read about Rodney and how he was born as part of 10 DragonTails stories created by Y5 pupils on this iPad app

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This is TheDragonTails iPad app written and all content made by Y5 10 Dragon stories with all content made by pupils on iPad.

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This is TheDragonTails iPad app written and all content made by Y5 We are presenting to parents this week TheDragonTails by Martin Jones

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Launching next week TheDragonTails app created by Year 5 pupils 10 Dragon stories to read with your class

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💗 Day 7 | Annietine 2019 💗

🦋 Green Dragontail Butterfly | Nigella Damascena 🦋


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Under construction the ‘DragonTails’ app with Y5 pupils Fantastic day working with the pupils

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1861 Green dragontail, Lamproptera, Common blue by Orbigny, Antique Print, Hand colored, 1800s Natural History, Entomology, Butterflies

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The ‘DragonTails’ animation app logo winner

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The pupils have named their app ‘DragonTails’ and have been designing the app logo today Really pleased with their designs

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