Some 8th year - just need to go back to basics sometimes

43 255

“I didn’t really leave.”
“You have before.”
“I have not. I’ve come back every time.”

Inspired by “A Season For Setting Fires” by mightbewriting, a DHr soulmate masterpiece.

39 176

«let the dark in” by

“I want to know everything,” she says. “I want to know everything so I can understand why things are the way that they are.”

32 202

H: “you missed a bit sweetheart”
when they’re at the beach hermione looks like a bronze goddess and draco a smexy shrimp 🦐
tysm for the prompt Megs, ask and u shall receive ;) hope u like it!
(some other versions in the replies!)

25 162

“Here for more research, Granger?”

Here’s some merman Draco for MerMay! Hermione’s definitely there for research 😘❤️

28 146


110 473

happy peeps!
Couldn’t decide between with or without armour so have both!
(interaction w pirate!hermione in replies;)

29 116

Draco from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!! Hermione blushes in this AU too 💙

57 270

When you’re in love but competitive af.

66 419

« Malfoy showed up every day right after lunch and took her out on the veranda. Once there, he usually ignored her while reading The Prophet or some book»

34 210

“You’re going to have to fight better than that, Malfoy”

Love these angsty, pining, tension-filled idiots
playing around w poses & lights/shadows

21 104

“You are the bloody Golden Girl. Gryffindor Princess. Head Girl. Pull it the fuck together, yeah?”

An angsty fanart for Ch. 5 of WBTODYS by ! This scene was so powerful and I loved every word! ❤️

14 95