symbiote month continues Saturday night!
We read vs 1 and 2.
Bring a baby shower gift because Carnage is about to have an offspring!

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Thanks to the new movie the crew starts a 5 week journey on 's favorite aspect of Spider-Man: Symbiotes!!! Grab your copies of Amazing Spider-Man 360 & 361 and join us Saturday night. Be sure to handle that first appearance of with care!

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Saturday night the crew reads 2011's Free Comic Book Day Amazing Spider-Man! After Spider-Man loses his spider-sense, who can he turn to for help? How about the newest MCU star ? Plus Spidey versus a mind controlled Spider-Woman!

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From a picture perfect rendering of Pete to... this...

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I read this as if there needs to be a “Queen slay” after it.

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Ever wanted to see Spider-Man bite and kill a guy, then die and be reborn from a cocoon? Then this week's is for you!!!
Parts 7 & 8 of the Other
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man 3 and Marvel Knights Spider-Man 21

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Tune in next week as we continue on!

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You don't see that everyday

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Are you ready to evolve or die?!
Yep, for the next 6 's we're doing The Other.
Parts 1 and 2 this Saturday night 10pm eastern
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man 1 and Marvel Knights Spider-Man 19

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Ain't nothing like the real thing

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This Saturday night for we read Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal. Will we find out his secret crush? Who his best friend is? His favorite food?

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This Saturday night for we read Spectacular Spider-Man 241, where Peter and Mary Jane reflect on the aftermath of the Clone Saga.

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The WandaVision theme continues Saturday night. Join us for Marvel Team-Up 129 and 130. We're not sure if there will be classic TV tropes or if we'll have no clue what is really going on, but there will be plenty of fun!!

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For those that would like a reminder of what these scoundrels look like:

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I need , , or any other person to please tell me which version of Spidey this arm belongs to on the Secret Wars cover.

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December's winter-themed 's continue this Saturday night with part 2 of Frost,
Amazing Spider-Man 700.2!

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There will be more Kravinoffs than you can shake a stick at when the Grim Hunt begins this Saturday night. The issues are Amazing Spider-Man 634 and 635!

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