it's scary even if you can revive them

487 3985

sketch i finally watched lore i am so excited also they are married and very much in love /dsmp /rp

13 82

c!drunz but the more scared that dream is, he gets more tiny

39 317

drunz and drunznap anyone?

0 16

(hands u guys fic (themed) art of backlines variety)
leetol bit of a next chapter spoiler. and by leetol i mean you have to look for it a bit, its a big spoiler when u see it /lh

1 9

"oh hey there, haven't seen you in a while, how's it going?"
"there's no time for that, dream, we're fucked, you need to pull yourself together fast."

24 137

"Sorry you had to murk your brother, anyway you wanna cuddle?" cant believe drunz wasnt planned for this fic and ended up being like The Main Ship WHEEZE

0 4

i think everyone should read red slush by

7 35

i miss the drunznap twitter drama can we have it back? i miss them fighting over whose bitch sapnap is /j

40 291

Spare 6, I draw fiances, himbros, drunz and thannah🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

3 10

8. hello !! i'm mist 🦋() he/him !! i love c!drunz

2 26

my tablet stopped working midway through this have a stress drunz

18 81

hi, guess who has more drunz art for u

17 72