... The consequences of...

Open Studios

Open online

status: work available
price: always fair


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Alan Bickley has already been inspired by today's forum photo! Join in with this Dungeness scene and some low-flying ducks here https://t.co/uvuvl498Va

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'Because he was always up early and liked to catch the countryside at its first freshness, he had often drawn the sun. For many of his watercolours he had looked directly into it.'
Christopher Neve on Eric Ravilious.
Left: Rye Harbour, 1938. Right Dungeness, 1939.

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Plotting the lites


‘Showbiz’ version

Back on the brushes

Open Studios

Open daily

status: work available
price: always fair


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Jenkins green | Lay in_


‘Showbiz’ version

Back on the brushes

Open Studios

Open daily

status: work available
price: always fair


3 4

*Thank you* to our online visitor who purchased wisely today.

‘Snooper | La Grâce’

*A splendid choice*

Open Studios

Open daily

status: work available
price: always fair


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