Cuando te avisan de que el SA-X está en tu area.
Que buena mecanica un Duskmon nemesis que no puedes vencer, una pena que no exista.

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I go through my digimon phase every now and then. I also miss my ask blog for lowemon and duskmon

1 4

For Sonic Frontiers, future Sonic the Hedgehog series: Infinite (former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) will return to kill Zavok and the Deadly Six (6), absorb, and consume them for some reason.

Similar to Duskmon (from Digimon Frontier)

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DigiPoll results
Q: What's your favorite Human Spirit-evolved Hybrid Digimon?

🥇Agnimon (16%)
🥈Wolfmon (14%)
🥉Ranamon (12%)
4. Duskmon (11%)
5. Fairimon (11%)
6. Löwemon (10%)
7. Blitzmon (8%)
8. Chackmon (8%)
9. Mercuremon (5%)
10. Arbormon (3%)
11. Grottemon (2%)

34 170

y'know even tho he's already dead
that doesn't stop me from messing him up even more

14 18

Pues así quedaría la línea evolutiva!

Línea BlackAgumon, Devidramon, KaiserLeomon y AncientSphinxmon

Línea Arkadimon Child, Duskmon, Mephismon y Belphemon Rage Mode

Linea BlackGabumon, Reppamon, Baalmon y Beelzebumon (2010 Anime Version)

No podía faltar Baalmon (?

0 1

Of course, for Patamon there's the choice for Devimon, but would Palmon be Arbormon? Maybe Tentomon would be from the Kuwagamon-species and Gabumon could become Astamon. In fact, including Angewomon, there could even have Duskmon. The imagination can go in various directions here

4 22

I wanna do this
every once in a while imma draw 4 modded bfs
i might go back and redraw some if i think i can do better

anyway first 4

101 625

For future Sonic the Hedgehog series: What happens when Infinite (former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) become evil/bad to good/redemption for some reason? (between Sonic Forces - present)

Similar to Duskmon/Loweemon (from Digimon Frontier series)

1 1

I want Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform, fusion of both Mephiles the Dark, and Infinite (former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) to become friends and allies forever.

Similar to Agunimon (Takuya), Lobomon (Koji), and Duskmon/Loweemon (Koichi) (from Digimon Frontier)

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For future Sonic the Hedgehog series: I really want a fight between Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform and fusion of Mephiles the Dark and Infinite the Jackal as enemies and rivals.

Similar to Lobomon and Duskmon (from Digimon Frontier series)

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For future Sonic the Hedgehog series: I really want a fight between Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform and A New Female Character (swordfighter) as enemies and rivals.

Between: Dark vs. Light warriors

Similar to Lobomon and Duskmon (from Digimon Frontier series)

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Duskmon gets mad, angry, furious, and blaming Dr. Starline the Platypus for some reason (from Digimon, and Sonic IDW comic books, Sonic the Hedgehog series)

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(Part 1) Similarities between Darkrai, and Zoroark (from Pokemon), Zehr (from Mega Man/Rockman Xover, Megaman), Duskmon (from Digimon) and Infinite (former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) (from Sonic Forces, Sonic the Hedgehog series)

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Fusion of Infinite (former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) (from Sonic Forces, Sonic the Hedgehog series)

Darkrai (from Pokemon) + Zoroark (from Pokemon) + Duskmon (from Digimon) = Infinite

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Imagine if Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform have an argument about Infinite (former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) for some reason? They don't know anything about Infinite at all.

Similar to Takuya and Koji about Duskmon (from Digimon Frontier)

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Sticks the Badger vs. Duskmon (Koichi Kimura) (from Digimon Frontier, and Sonic Boom, Sonic the Hedgehog series)

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