Aku suka banget karena aku kalo sketch bisa rapi (walau kadang sedikit messy), tapi setidaknya jadi gak perlu ngelineart. Suka coloring yang agak ke dark color. Aku cukup bangga sekarang bisa bedain gambar cowok dan cewek. Sama aku paling suka liat gambar ekspresi buatanku ✨

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Kalau dari segi karya, mungkin warnanya yg nendang(?), anatomi udh lumayan, lineart lumayan rapih, walau anime style banyak dimana mana tp kata moots ku artku cukup bisa dibedain dri art artist lain. Terharu 🫰🏻🥹✨

Kalau dari pribadi, aku bisa gambar dibawah tekanan. 🫡

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PUNYAAA!!! KENALINN OC KESAYANGAN KUU, ini adalah Pinna Komuhana! Diaa biasa dipanggil Komu-chan💗Komu adalah seorang siluman kucing berbasis bunga Sakura yang mempunyai lidah pendek. Komu pasti selalu kesusahan untuk bedain kata "Rantai" sama "Lantai"🥺

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I KNOW IM SUPPOSED TO FINISH MY KAEDAIN/DAINKAE BUT- Just.... I needed to draw them together... + Wawa and Rosho Rosho because they're the boyfriends of these two.

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My final bit of practice before I'm out of country. My base for an Angmar battle mammoth, with the corsairs as temporary stand ins for mounted lossoth, rhudaur or dark dunedain archers on the howdah; and a mounted nazgul filling in for the witch king for contrast.

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I also made these two portraits of Edain and Ethlyn for the fanbook! It was great working with so many nice and talented people in such a large scale project, I'm glad I got the chance to do so!

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Oh ophelia you've been on my mind girl since the flood~
Speedainttt yayy

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* Hands you some FE4 illustrations from one of the comic anthologies *

Here, have these while I keep scanning the books 🫶

-Sigurd, Deirdre, Seliph, Julia and Julius
-Deirdre, Sigurd, Arvis, Eldigan, Edain, Lewyn, Seliph, Julia and Julius
-Seliph and Ares

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Décris un jeu en utilisant des mots compliqués, I'll start.

Elden Ring : des calembredaines traitant d'un coprophage écrites par un dactylophile.

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Dua oc ku ini mirip sifatnya tp kelihatan kan dr vibesnya udah beda? Biar lebih mudah dibedain biasanya kalo mereka mukanya mirip bakal kubedain sifatnya malah https://t.co/OGfb9gi2zX

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It is from Fire Emblem 0(Cipher). This artwork by Tensha Might-O depicts Edain as a Priest.
Here is the full artwork + how the card looks

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If u meet me and in comifuro day 1. Feel free to ask free photo and say the code "dajal solid ! "
Note : foto bole upload sosmed but do not tag us :3 so it's kinda lucky for u to meet us !
Aku bakal bawa "pokemon" smbil dipeluk buat bedain ;3

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needed to get an ancient elf and his plucky adoptive edain daughter out of my system

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Ooo tentunya aku gak lupa sama dedek Hoshi yang suka masang wajah ">:0"

Sengaja bedain karena anaknya sendiri bukan saniwa https://t.co/jReD6A240M

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Heads of the Three Houses of the Edain

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