Day 8 of - Electabuzz! This high-quality costume is very shocking!

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A Pokemon who can glow light blue due to electrical charges coursing through its body and constantly loses more electricity than it consumes.


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125 - Electabuzz
Type: Electric

Abilities: Static, Vital-spirit

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Mr. Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, and Tauros

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I'm not really happy with this one but here it is :)

125/905+ Electabuzz

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125 - Electabuzz
Type: Electric

Abilities: Static, Vital-spirit

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Darkrai (A) or Electabuzz (B)

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Remade the Electabuzz/Spiritomb fusion I did! Might make this a thread of any other Gartic Fusions I do/redo in the future👀If you havent seen the new Garticmon Fusions vid from @/RubberRoss, you can see the rest of the fusions here!

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⚔🍀 artfight attack for of their super cool shiny electabuzz gijinka 😳😳

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& 126 & couple of bipedal elemantal bad boyz! Sugimori art recreated as a 64x64 sprite now with shinies!

See the process:

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Dark-type Electabuzz from Pokémon Fool’s Gold, a Pokémon Crystal ROM hack I can’t recommend enough! I’ll be playing tonight at 8:30 PM EST 💖

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Raichu, Porygon, Electabuzz, Magby, and Raboot
Although I guess I only really like electabuzz because of it’s 3d model looking better than it’s 2d artwork.

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125 - Electabuzz
Type: Electric

Abilities: Static, Vital-spirit

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No. 125: Electabuzz
Electric Pokémon

Electricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its body glows a whitish blue.

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All Pokémon sit.

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Raichu, Electabuzz y Jolteon

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The electabuzz is a starter and has boosted stats to match the rest of the game

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125 - Electabuzz
Type: Electric

Abilities: Static, Vital-spirit

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