🐘 Did you know?

Elephants are herbivores, eating up to 300 pounds of vegetation in a single day. 

They are keystone species and play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.

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GM! Happy Friday!

🐘 An elephant's ability to adapt and overcome reminds us to never give up on our goals and dreams.

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🐘 An elephant's wisdom reminds us to always be open to learning and growing.

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🐘 Did you know?

Elephants are highly intelligent and social animals, with complex communication and problem-solving abilities. 

They have a strong memory and are able to recognize themselves and other elephants in mirrors.

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🐘 An elephant never forgets, but also never holds a grudge. 

☀️ Let that be a reminder to start your day with a clear mind and an open heart.

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🐘 An elephant's patience reminds us to take our time and not rush through life's journey.

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🐘 Did you know?

Elephants are capable of feeling a range of emotions, including joy, grief, anger, and compassion. 

They have been known to mourn their dead and display empathy towards others in their herd.

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GM! Happy Friday!

🐘 An elephant's ability to adapt and overcome reminds us to never give up on our goals and dreams.

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🐘 Did you know?

Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth.

Asian elephants can reach up to 10 feet tall & African elephants can reach up to 14 feet tall.

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🐘 An elephant's wisdom reminds us to always be open to learning and growing.

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🐘👑 Elegant Elephant Queens 👑 🐘

🔥 Burn 🔥 3*EECs+2$Matic 🔥 for 1 EEQ 🐘👑 
✨ Mint – 15 $Matic


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🐘 Did you know?

Elephants have unique physical characteristics, including their trunk, tusks, large ears, and thick skin. 

Their trunk is a versatile tool used for a range of tasks, including breathing, drinking, and grasping objects.

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🐘👑 Elegant Elephant Queens 👑 🐘

🔥 Burn 🔥 3*EECs+2$Matic 🔥 for 1 EEQ 🐘👑 
✨ Mint – 15 $Matic


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