Day 10 of

Soul Evans from Soul Eater
with the grinning face Emoji! ~

I love all the shark teeth characters there are in this world!!! But Soul has a special place in my heart! <3

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Day 9 of

Nezuko from Demon Slayer
with the confounded face Emoji! ~

Nezuko-chan is so cute!!! uwu I just love her a lot! <3

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Day 8 of

Denki Kaminari from My Hero Academia
with the drooling face Emoji! ~

Why am I getting the perfect Emoji for the characters of last few days??? Like, wtf! xdd
Anyway.. I love silly lil pikachu! <3

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Day 7 of

Kakashi Hatake from Naruto
with the star struck Emoji! ~

Kakashi was probably one of my first crushes ever.. same as Sasuke! The only difference is that I never drew Kakashi.. ; _ ;

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Day 6 of

Ash Lynx from Banana Fish
with the smiling face with halo Emoji! ~

I want to say I didn't cry while drawing this.. but that would be a lie.. ; _ ;
Also, I kinda wanted to draw him crying.. don't ask, I just felt like it ;;;;

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Day 5 of

Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte
with the squinting face with tongue Emoji! ~

I'm gonna say "I love him/her so much" for every character I draw, huh? Well.. I just love them all so much! ~~ Can't help myself <3

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Day 4 of

Deku from My Hero Academia
with the head bandage Emoji! ~

Deku is baby uwu
And I had so much trouble with his hair xd

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Day 3 of

Levi from Attack on Titan <3
with the smirking face Emoji! ~

What am I supposed to say.. I literally love him <3
And I died a little while drawing this xd

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Day 2 of

Sasori from Naruto Shippuden
with the pensive face emoji!

Sasori is probably one of my most favourite characters ever!
I just love him a lot <3
Also I squealed while drawing this because he just look too cute! uwu

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