is a spontaneous flow of mind. Without nothing can create
Emotion is d root of everything
The whole World is floating on d wave of Emotion
Moon light is d root of Emotion

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The Reading Group has enjoyed some "Weather Weaving" We read the first chapter of and reflected on their week at school and how they felt about it through the weather and illustrations

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menghindari emosi negatif yang datang sulit menjadi jawaban atas permasalahan kita. Terkesan memudahkan namun justru menjerumuskan

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Hi! My partner and I are making a book! Take a look at our kickstarter at and consider backing!

In Legends of Fomora 3 friends encounter faeries and monsters, and unravel the secrets of the world's ancient past!

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Free yourself from old, outdated emotional programming that you acquired in the womb! (That happens... when you think about it, how could it not?)

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Be an of
Consider that someone's lack of may be because they never learned.
“#LoveMe when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.”

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To improve our we need to learn how to name our emotions. Now you can learn some new ones and teach it to your kids.

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Why so judgy?

Fundamental Attribution Error: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices

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My latest post is about emotional intelligence and ways to develop it. Some light lunchtime reading for the undiscerning.

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Not quite gone or not quite here - Again & Again by Paul Wright

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