McGenji Week - Fashion

Uma desculpa pra fazer o McCree de poncho e sombrero :'v

11 28

McGenji Week - Pachimari

Eu me empolguei nesse, faz tempo q num faço nada no digital q me de uma puta satisfação :'v

12 30

the bamf on mccrees belt stands for Bad At Mcrane Fgame

97 206

22: caught off-guard...while attempting to smuggle a cat

42 115

Buddy Cop Au

Jesse still wears the hat and belt buckle because Of Course He Does

145 229

day5 :Family
Go to sleep may your sweet dreams come true, just lay back in my arms for one more night♪
I love bedgown...❤

84 169

"you dont need to wear your hat to cook"

68 91

for.....#mcgenjiweek!! i missed alot but here's "touch"!

54 89