لا لإقامة طرق في وسط الأثرية عاصمة الإمبراطورية
بقلم الحبر و الوان ماركر
No to establish roads in the center of ancient the of the

0 2

Forgot to upload this- but my piece from the Naruto Mythology zine !
Did an illustration for our fic based on the Mesopotamian myth of Adapa! Was very fun to research. ☺️

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Lamentablemente el clima de mi ciudad esta pesimo y el internet igual :C

Se cancela directo mis slimes pequeños :C
Nos vemos mañana Sábado desde temprano saliendo del trabajo jejejeje ;3

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Artwork based on The Burney Relief, a Mesopotamian terracotta plaque from 19th-18th century BCE.

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Black Adam (2022) / DC Comics
"Black Adam is dead, and the Mesopotamian gods of Akkad are having a field day. Black Adam's descendant Malik becomes his successor: Bolt "
Story Christopher Priest
Art Rafa Sandoval

16 49

Love Between Enkidu and Gilgamesh 😉💕
Description :
“The Epic of Gilgamesh” was one of the most beloved stories of Mesopotamia. According to the tale, Gilgamesh is a handsome, athletic young king of Uruk city......👇

28 40

Holy shit! backwards is Daed Si Pmurt, which translates in Ancient Mesopotamia to Blue Tsunami Incoming!

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He is 2/3 god and 1/3 man. Before you hurt your brain wondering how that works, it was believed in Mesopotamia that any man who was involved with the mother contributed to the baby-making process, so mom slept with two different gods. Get it, Gilmom!!

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Mesopotamia farmer いやメソポタミア人がどういう格好してたか知らんけど

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L’aratro: permise di aprire solchi più profondi nel terreno e di piantare i semi in maniera più rapida. Le sue origini risalgono al 3500 a.C. in un luogo compreso tra i fiumi Tigri ed Eufrate in Mesopotamia

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Introducing Enkara, a Mesopotamian witch OC that was one of the potential picks for my Armageddon 2022 Threat character. Fleshing her out outside of my brain has made her start growing on me

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. 『メソポタミア文明の歌姫』
(Diva of Mesopotamian civilization)

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Uttu, the Mesopotamian goddess of weaving, taught mortal women to weave, ushering in a new era in which humans less often froze to death or burned in the sun. Her name means woven in Sumerian & resembles the Akkadian word for spider, ettūtu.

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ポタお父様(@ potapotamesopo)より!


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Nella Reggia di Versailles,il labirinto accoglieva il visitatore facendolo passare tra le due statue di Esopo e di Amore, in un tracciato che lo conduceva in un dedalo di sentieri ed incroci punteggiati di fontane composte da due o più animali, ispirato alle favole di Esopo.

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Trying out some new assets and drawing techniques tonight.
Tiamat. She is not at all like the D&D one but more like the Mesopotamian Goddess

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Black Adam (2022) / DC Comics
"Black Adam is dead, and the Mesopotamian gods of Akkad are having a field day. Black Adam's descendant Malik becomes his successor: Bolt "
Story Christopher Priest
Art Rafa Sandoval

18 46

Los Dioses Regentes de los LUNES, y por lo tanto de la LUNA, son:

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