Chloe when she was an Espurr! She was still very shy, and always carried her Teddiursa plush Teddy with her for comfort.
RTs appreciated! 💜

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Also espurr. I will always have an espurr on my team. Also sinistea isn’t a ghost type I would normally pick for my team but with all the cold cups of tea I keep leaving around I would probably have one whether I like it or not

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Psychic Type: Espurr, Elgyem, Farigiraf and Moushold*
*would have a Psychic tera jewel so I could use it as a trainer for that type.

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Any of these three + their evo lines interchangeably!
Espurr and Meow because I love silly cats with adorable personality, and Zorua because it's been my favorite since childhood and I love it even more now thanks to its new variant

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just saw that the scarlet violet dlc comes out in fall/winter I CANT WAIT THAR LONG I WANT ESPURR NOWWW

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I'm here to bless your timelines this afternoon with the cute and adorable Restraint Pokemon, Espurr! 🔮 🐱

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A last minute prompt before the prompts expire for my Pokémon group.

Tobi's childhood memory of their first Pokémon, Phantom the Espurr.
The family Goomy, Bubbles, Helped Tobi catch him...he was not amused and didn't want to pose for a pic after being taken home.

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Itsuki bought for 0.01 ETH by LeslieSpurlock from 0x5b156a

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Da boys and their Pokemans for this month's mail club stickers!

Vector and Espurr both have the "big + dangerous power levels inside a tiny cute lil guy" thing going on, and Frankie likes pancakes so obviously Alolan Raichu is a gimme

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Please check the website!! Everyone worked really hard on putting this together 💕

Drew this butterfly teacup and Vespurr Noir as a contribution- 🖤

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One of the Elite Four, Leo! Has come and to battled you for the Champion, with his main Pokemon, Mimikyu!

His team has; Trevenant, Gengar, Hypno and Espurr!

Don't yall worry, but this space outfit will illuminate the whole battle with passion and couragous :)

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