"Hiya there!"

He estatically waved as he presented his new artwork of her before herself in a timely manner.

"Oh, um, quite sorry if its a sudden time, I noticed your presence a bit shortly & wanted to share what I made just for yourself here".

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Las dejo por aqui estaticas a x2 porque el gif se ve como el culo

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god everyone needs to go commission they are a DELIGHT they did my girl so much justice and I am estatic

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en estatico de mini streamers xd xd ft el escrilex

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En Frontier esto era un plano estatico y ya. Aqui los peces tienen un efecto ondeado por capas para darle la sensacion de vida.

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Esto NO es un frame de transicion, esto es un plano estatico de 5 segundos.

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I agreed with a fair amount of his opinions at the time because I used to look at things on the surface level but he seemed like an interesting fellow. And he drew this picture where he included this character of mine (spikey haired dude in the red shirt). I was estatic then.

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Otro capitulo original editado a posteriori con pegatinas.
SkullSatamon esta bien animado, pero entonces aparecen planos estaticos de la parejita, hasta TAPANDO que es criminal.

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absolutely estatic to introduce you all to a new character in the dethroned au

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Pero que descarado, estan habiendo planos larguisimos estaticos a lo dragon ball para rellenar metraje.

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Thanks @/ThestaticL for this amazing birthday gift
Go follow him for amazing art like this

10 28

Thanks again @/ThestaticL for another art of Leah breeding a lucky Zigzagoon on their birthday @/louipal

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omg im so inspired rn idk why ms paint i hate you

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