GM 👩🏻‍🎨 Here I go again😌
4️⃣th Fan art for 🌂
Time passes so fast, It’s been a month already since i first drew the ETHER style. Of coz I WON’T GIVE UP !
LFG🔥 keep creating keep growing !
🥹Hope to be noticed this time

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Wooo! fanart cause he’s best boy a deserves everything in this world

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Good morning everyone 😃✨ Here is the fanart of yokai who greet you today 🌤

He processes the magical cubic that is the gate to dragon village

He wish you have a nice day and I hope and love my style

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This was a birthday gift for my friend :33 ( her bias’s Aether )

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“Not all deaths are the same!” 💀🪷
Wendy is one of my favorite characters to play as in I feel so powerful alongside her ghost sister Abigail! 👻

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