Alternative Poster for Event Horizon (1997)
Aka: The Stars My Destination
By David Seidman

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This was originally from a design sketch page but I went a bit overboard lol, anyways,,, THEM !!

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You know, just two aliens, both needing therapy and being so in love in each other
I finally colored them

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gonna dump all the art of this beautiful story I've made because it's <333 beautiful work Hellenite

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"I wanted to become a better person because of you, to keep growing. You inpire me, you made me relise that life was worth living."
in other words: I drew a rock four times
{#eventhorizonfanart }

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Decided to finally pull my pants up and do some big fancy Ad Astra art. I already have an idea for De Terra, so it’ll kinda be like a duo thing. Idk, enjoy!!!

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We're circling back to black holes for our we can't help it, their gravity is too strong!

The term is what scientists use to describe the point of no return for anything caught in the gravity of a black hole.


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Si je peux aussi vous conseiller un film pour c'est bien celui-ci : !
Synopsis : "En 2047, près de Neptune, l'équipage d'un vaisseau de sauvetage se porte au secours d'un appareil disparu depuis sept ans, qui vient d'émettre un message."🪐

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Great job if you said,

Release date: August 15, 1997 (USA)
Director: Paul W. S. Anderson
Starring: Laurence Fishburne; Sam Neill; Kathleen Quinlan; Joely Richardson
Music by: Michael Kamen
Budget: $60 million

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was released in 1997. This is without hesitation my favorite sci fi horror. On point on every level. Outright terrifying in some scenes. I still have an anxiety attack when Justin is trapped in the airlock and begging for help. Nightmare fuel.

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“I Am Home.“ Event Horizon scared me when I saw it in the theater. is amazing.

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Enigma do Horizonte é um space horror muito maneiro, tem uma pé em Lovecraft com seu terror de outra dimensão, que mexe com a mente daqueles que entram na Event Horizon, a nave que ressurge depois de 7 anos desaparecida...

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A new Blu-ray of is hoping to uncover lost footage.

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🌀#EventHorizons are extraordinary spacetime benders, the spinning cascade of space with everything in it falling into the event horizon of a generate a frame dragging in the fabric of spacetime. Paradoxically the space swirl in a vortex while the black holes is still.

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Well well sorry i can't stop doing references to H. R Giger with Eridan and Event Horizon

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