This outfit was made by
But I thought it was adorable so I drew carol in it ✌

12 60

I oop
I hate the water texture but I still wanted to draw my sona as a mermaid for mermay and I'm to lazy to make a new mermaid drawing

13 48

I got a new oc recently-
Actually got the character from
Although i did end up changing some things to the design you see now- either way new oc
[Also I was to lazy to do lineart properly]

8 44

Oop decided to post
for those who are unaware this is an old oc/fanchild named soriel
Shes originally from undertale but I've been debating making her from an original story or a cartoon oc
[I impulsively made this at 2-5 am in the morning]

5 46

Meey told me I should do the go for it challenge thing with demi and so,

5 50

I cant draw violins very well so I'm sorry if it looks wack
ALSO I was asked to draw human jazz playing the violin for a thing

18 88

These are some more doodles/drawings I did of carol because I genuinely enjoy drawing her and I'm sorry it's like a constant-

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I was gonna draw something else today, like actual ship art but my brain went; "hm.. no"
Happy valentine's day tho

8 62

I have no idea why I decided I should make her but its happened and here we are

I just wanna specify; I'm not overly into mario, I'm just having fun

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I got bored a while ago and attempted a drawing of carol as a Disney princess
Like I said I attempted

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Tbh I just wanted to attempt stained glass-
They're younger in this btw

[Lowkey still messing with designs]

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First image style is which is what shes originally from,
second is
and third is as a human bc I'm bored
Also I'm to lazy to do backgrounds for this I'm sorry

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Carol as a human,,, bc why not
Originally sketched traditionally
Also this is lineless-
Also her hair is difficult to portray because the style she has so I tired

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