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We are thrilled to announce that @melissablive is our newest opinion leader!
Check her out at https://t.co/pp9qnm6oyc!
#opinion #leader #fairtrademusic #crypto #blockchain
We are thrilled to announce that @melissablive is our newest opinion leader!
Check her out at https://t.co/pp9qnm6oyc!
#opinion #leader #fairtrademusic #crypto #blockchain
We are thrilled to announce that @melissablive is our newest opinion leader!
Check her out at https://t.co/pp9qnm6oyc!
#opinion #leader #fairtrademusic #crypto #blockchain
Tomorrow is our #DerbyGoesGreen day - a day filled with activities and information about #sustainabletravel, #Fairtrade, #waste and #biodiversity at @DerbyUni. More information can be found here: https://t.co/Tp9FPnpOX9 @derbyunistudent @DerbyUnion
#DayOfTheGirl Dear @erna_solberg @NorwayMFA #EriksenSoreide it's absolutely cruel & illegal that Norway/@norgesbank profit from the exploitation of >ten millions little girls. Even Norway's "Fairtrade" coffee, tea & cocoa is harvested by little girls & boys @PoliticoRyan @shsab
@wringap @AP Dear Wilson, @LisaRathke @joseffederman, @AP can't continue to overlook that @benandjerrys profits from the exploitation of children as cheap child workers in its "Fairtrade" supply chains of coffee, cocoa, etc. Exploiting children to buy cheap cocoa/coffee is not having values
@WeyandSabine @mariatad @vonderleyen @Trade_EU @herszenhorn @KuestnerK @GeorgiGotev @AlexandravonNah @BrahimMaarad @MichaelGrytz @marilu_lucrezio @GeorgMatthes @florianeder @RenatoCoen @ilo @EwaSynowiec DG Weyand, Even "Fairtrade" coffee, tea & cocoa at @EU_Commission has child labor! This due to "@Fairtrade's" cruel & illegal business model. As you know, "Fairtrade" is EU sponsored. It's Biz model pays growers <1/4 of what they need to live with dignity & deceives EU consumers
live your life, do it, make your dreams come tru
#french #frenchclass #france #assignement #language #chocolate #biochocolate #fairtrade #fairtradeproduct #saldac #eatmorechocolate #coffee #coffeebeans #raspberrychocolate #doit #justdoit #makeyourdreamscometrue #notsponsored
@FMdelaC @OysteinBorsum @erna_solberg @NorgesBank @OlufUlseth @JosephEStiglitz @JeffDSachs @mariuslorentzen @SteinarHolden @LoveLiman @johansaettem @aashildlangved @timothylarge @sbjoernstad @FGudbrandsen @takvamnrk @SolveigHorne June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor, 2021 is Intl Year Against Child Labor, @erna_solberg @jantoresanner @NorwayMFA @stortinget don't plan to eliminate child labor even in their "Fairtrade" coffee, tea & cocoa. Child labor=BILLION$ in profits/Yr for @norgesbank. @ottummelas
@lawrencehurley Dear Lawrence, Since you follow #SCOTUS, you know about slave & child labor in cocoa. Pls keep in mind that @benandjerrys "Fairtrade" chocolate, coffee, etc. is produced with child labor! Their business model is cruel, exploitative and based on deceitful marketing. Ask @Mittaloak
this one's old and nonsensical but just ... nestle... why
#nonsense #illustration #comic #art #artwork #relatable #green #fairtrade #industry #coffee #nescafe #why #nestle #instantcoffee #coffeeaddict #supportfairtrade #gogreen #earthday #earthday2021 #habits #nonsense
7LH have been learning about how @FairtradeUK supports farmers in facing the challenges brought by climate change. They have created some amazing artwork, poetry and videos on the theme #ChooseTheWorldYouWant to mark Fairtrade fortnight!
also one of my jobs is running a baking competition where we have to make a cake with fairtrade ingredients!! i am thinking i'll do banana and dark chocolate brownies 🍌
"#Ethiopia, Africa’s only indigenous rose species – the Rosa abyssinica; an evergreen Rosaceae with white & creamy fragrant flowers and orange climbing hips, popular in the highlands & around Bale."
Support poor Ethiopian flower workers by burying Fairtrade #Ethiopianflower
@Mittaloak @benandjerrys Anuradha , The best way @benandjerrys & @unilever can honor the memory of #MLK is to STOP EXPLOITING POOR & DEFENSELESS CHILDREN to be able to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa, coffee, etc. @donlemon @AliVelshi @preddavid @PeterWhoriskey @ZivaBranstetter @ksieff @AngeAboa @politico
Dear @Mittaloak, When multinational corporations, like @benandjerrys, increase misery, hunger, malnutrition, child labor & forced migration in their supply chains FOR PROFIT THEY COMMIT A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! Calling that #Fairtrade, to deceive consumers, is a crime too!
Dear @Mittaloak, @PeterWhoriskey @WashingtonPost wrote: "certified farms in Ivory Coast were more likely than other farms to have child laborers." Testimony @AngeAboa @Reuters @Europarl_EN: #Fairtrade & “certifications” are the biggest scam of the century! #BLM cc @alanJope