Falcon 9 lanza Starlink 21, el tercer lanzamiento del día desde Cabo Cañaveral en Florida.

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T-1 Day. teams are tracking 70% favorable weather conditions, with the primary concerns being the Cumulus Cloud Rule and the Surface Electric Feild Rule. Targeting July 20th, at 5:00 PM EDT (2:00PM PDT) (21:00 UTC) for the launch of from SLC-40.

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is now targeting a new T-0 of July 20th, at 5:00PM EDT (2:00 PM PDT) (21:00 UTC) for the launch of the Mission from SLC-40. Weather for the new launch date is 70% favorable with a 30% of violating launch commit criteria.

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T-1 Day. The is now tracking 70% favorable weather conditions for tomorrow's launch attempt of the Mission. Liftoff is targeted for July 19th, at 5:00PM EDT (2:00PM PDT) (21:00 UTC).

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After the completion of a full-duration firing test, booster B1061.1, arrived at for final processing ahead of the first fully operational Mission for The Mission is targeted to liftoff on August 30th.

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T-3 Days. teams are tracking 60% favorable weather conditions with the primary concerns being the Cumulus Cloud Rule and the Surface Electric Feild Rule. Targeting July 19th, at 5:00 PM EDT (2:00PM PDT) (21:00 UTC) for the launch of from SLC-40.

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