Renamon bond of maturity Commission to (Lore on the comments)

90 503

Finished design trade with ! I loved working on this death reaper bird X3

37 187

line for Lanamon (? xd
I want so much to make human ocs for my digimons ;O; but I don't have time.. and my hands hurt so much ;---;

Original: El_POYOMON

0 1

CATFISHMON(ネコナマモン/ 猫鱼兽)
> Level: Baby II
> Type: Lesser
> Attribute: N/A
> Field: Deep Savers
> Special Move: Nenchakusei no Awa
> Etymology: From “Catfish"

13 27

Commission for Ion🐻(

82 288

sharing who will be on the next toy-themed adoption! coming straight out of the toy box: Exblacktailmon

21 92

Subspecies of Bearmon I designed for my friend

57 196

I created Baby Levels for my evolutionary line of Snow/Ice Digimons.
Nevemon 》Gelomon 》Snowsomon.

20 101

Meet my new fusion - Veempmon!
Veemon and Impmon fusion ^^

36 119

Name: Austroposeimon.
Level: Mega.
Attribute: Free.
Type: Ancient plant.
Fields: Jungle troopers.

51 210

Finished line commission for of their new bean Katzmon! I had a lot of fun working out each level and I'm proud of the end result. X3 Thank you so much again for commissioning me!

32 109

Recently received more amazing work from the talented and couldn't be happier. A long overdue evolution line(in my opinion). I'm kinda terrible with names haha, but the rookie is Parrokomon.

16 47

free to use fandigimon

(you have permission to use these digimon as you want :3 including the official art I made of them)



Original: El_POYOMON

0 0

Commission for my friend Ion 🐻

49 208

Explosiondramon! Lore on comments

34 138


●Level: Perfect
●Type: Cyborg
●Attribute: Data
●Special Move: Torpedoes Away

"It can create a 3D map of any location with its echolocation and then command a small fleet of remote-controlled organic missiles"

8 14