Mara relies on Garreth, her cousin who helped raise Mara after her parents death.

And Jake, a knight she personally trained and trusts implicitly.

Garreth (grey) -
Jake (purple) -

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Who does your MC rely on?

Viola relies on her coonhound Wolf, although he ends up getting her in trouble 99% of the time. 😜

Here they are prior to shit hitting the fan, happy and content with a book and some tea in 1954.

🎨 The amazing

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Eirian relies on these three fools (Aiden, Celiaen and Galameyvin) to keep her from crossing the line. She also relies on her bestie Fayleen. Fay was her roommate from the day Eirian arrived in the mage city.


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My unedited Saturday Snippet for from Embraced by Embers.

These two. I tell you what. 😅

Thank you to our hosts:

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My Feature Friday for goes out to my cover designer, Biserka! They don't have Twitter, but rest assured, I told them of my love when I ordered the cover for Embraced by Embers (which should be finished soon!)


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15. Does your MC have a good luck charm? 🍀
Emily has some relics from her old life—a hockey puck…her iPhone (not that it works)…a photo of her team. They are talisman’s of memory more than lucky charms, but its the best she’s got.

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13. What would your MC do for their birthday? ☘️
Emily has never cared much about her birthday, and in fact missed it entirely in vol. 2. She’s more likely to make the birthdays of her friends special than to celebrate her own.

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Foooor today’s Saturday Snippet, a dancing scene that I whipped up real quick that may make it into a later book 🙃 THE IMPORTANT THING IS THE ART BY !!!!

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Unedited for

These two are always at odds with one another, so naturally, I made them spend a *lot* of time together in Embraced by Embers. Sorry, boys! (And watch out for those holy hands, Balvo! You know what priests can do to demons. 😅)

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Today's Feature Friday has to go to 🖤 I am absolutely in love with this artwork of Teya and Laphaniel from The Wicked Woods Chronicles 🖤🖤🖤

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🍀 Feature Friday 🍀

Shoutout to the amazing for her wonderful artistic talent! 💜


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8. Does fate play a role in your WIP? ☘️
Not in the traditional sense, but there are always those who would try to force events to go their way. In a way, they constitute a kind of fate—but one that is not definite or absolute.

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6. What are your MC’s nervous habits? ☘️
Emily clenches her fists when under stress. She’ll often overuse the word “something” when she is nervous or uncertain. She doesn’t display a lot of nerves though. Most of her struggles are internal.

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🦊 Saturday Snippet! 🦊

This is from the Unseelie King’s POV. I must say, he has a special place in my heart. 🖤


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Amos' luck is pretty volatile, and most times it seems like he has good luck delivered to him in the worst possible way. Namely, he’s immortal! But the way his immortality works is that when dies he comes back instead of being invulnerable.

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2. Does your MC have more good luck or bad luck? ☘️
Emily has definitely had some bad luck, but these days, she’s making her own luck and walking the path of her own choosing.
Art by

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