Goliath: Hehehehe... Look at this big jelly belly. So round and bouncy... 🥴
Kodai: Uhhh... Dad? You okay? This ain't like you... 😟
Mapocha: Uh oh... I think gaining all that weight made him loose his mind...😰

8 64

"Oh God... Pops really knows how to cook a steak... and a brisket... and a damn good duck... If this keeps up... *BUUUURRRRRP* I think I might turn into a Fat Boy next..."

14 83

"Uhhhnnn... So full... So fat... So hungry... I'm looking more and more obese by the day... *BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRP* Excuse me... I've been having really bad stomachaches and it's been making me gassy..."

10 69

I sometimes randomly remember that this Fat Boy is a mecha pilot and think "what would people think of this overfed jelly donut piloting a giant robot?"

6 73

I know is tomorrow, but I couldn't resist making some Pride Icons for some of my LGBTQA characters! We've got Makigumo for asexuality, Ryu & Futoru for Homosexuality, and Tora Nojima for bisexuality! Enjoy!

10 45

Kodai: Dad, I think we need to have a talk about our diet...
Goliath: What was your first clue, Fat Boy?! Christ, it's just like when I was a kid all over again...

8 61

"Bucho Mio... I feel like I've eaten a thousand pounds worth of food from Atlas' cooking... yet it feels like I've gained a million pounds from all of that eating... but I'm still so hungry..."

21 96

Kodai: *hefts heavy belly* Man, I've gotten really fat...
Atlas: Fat? Kid, you're a whale! A shame you overchonked early. You could have been so much bigger.
Kodai: But I'm over 2000 pounds! How can I be even bigger?!

10 57

"Bucho *BUUUURRRRRP* Mio... What's happened to me? Ever since I overchonked, I've been so hungry but I feel so stuffed. I feel so fat and jiggly and heavy, too. How am I walking right now? I'm such a jelly blimp..."

7 59

Happy Birthday to the Irresponsible Admiral of the Intergalactic Alliance Starfleet Division, Ty'Ron Xanthus!

4th Pic 🎨: @/bobby_arts

9 58

"Okay, scale... What's my fortune?"
*lumbers onto industrial scale, which reads his weight*
"Bucho Mio... 2150 pounds... Nearly 300 more pounds?!"
*pats big belly, which groans in hunger*
"I really am a big, fat, jelly belly donut...*

13 85

Looks like Bumi is trying on some new casual wear to cover up that belly bomb. This may take a while...

Trying to design some new casual wear for Big Bumi here. Lend me your strength...

35 146

I wanted to draw up a concept of Ryota Tatsugami's dragon form. I added a silhouette as well as his character art for both scale and comparison.

Well, what do you think?

21 103